Tuesday, January 27, 2009

25 Random Things

1. I've totally loved Barry Manilow since i was 11. [I know, you're thinking - what a geek! :)]
2. I've totally loved my husband since I was 18 [gasp! how'd I get old enough to do anything for 20 years????]
3. #1 ice cream Mint chocolate chip Mmmmm.
4. #1 baseball team NY Mets
5. #1 football team Steelers!!!!
6. I'd rather be on a Caribbean island, in a hammock under a palm tree
7. When the kids have grown up, I want to learn to sail
8. I still remember my childhood phone number 676-8303. weird.
9. I have a pink beach bike - the kind with wide tires and a comfy seat.
10. I still love Disney World
11. I am trying to learn how to quilt
12. I will never learn how to use Photoshop!
13. Love to read fiction (especially scary books), hate to read nonfiction
14. Places I'd like to see: the grand canyon, Hawaii, Paris
15. I'm from Western Pennsylvania
16. I have a beautiful office at work, with gigantic windows (not bragging, just appreciating)
17. Next home improvement project - the master bathroom. Anyone need a harvest gold potty or shower stall?
18. I love Target - hate Walmart
19. My boys are awesome!
20. This is my 4th year as a VP on the PTA
21. I can't sing, dance or play an instrument
22. I will start my MBA next year
23. I have a license to teach middle school and high school math (again - geek!)
24. There are at least 9 operating computers in my house. There could be more, but I don't want to know about it.
25. Can't wait to watch Top Chef!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

#2 Me too!!
And when you're ready to see that Grand Canyon...give us a call. You could stay at our place, see the West Coast, and then drive a day's drive to see the canyon!!