Friday, November 30, 2007

A whole Elfin family

Click on the link above. You won't believe how corny this is. Just goes to show you the lengths we will go to to amuse our family at Christmas!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The 12 Days of Christmas according to an 8 year old who has been waiting for an hour in the car to see the Holiday Lights at the beach

My Brother Gave to Me...

On the first day of Christmas my brother gave to me a Monkey on a Brain.
On the second day of Christmas my brother gave to me 2 Swaying Flags.
On the third day of Christmas my brother gave to me 3 Pairs of Glasses.
On the forth day of Christmas my brother gave to me 4 Icecream Cones.
On the fifth day of Christmas my brother gave to me 5 Ear Drums.
On the sixth day of Christmas my brother gave to me 6 Grilled Bolognas.
On the seventh day of Christmas my brother gave to me 7 Movie Tickets.
On the eighth day of Christmas my brother gave to me 8 Super 8's.
On the ninth day of Christmas my brother gave to me 9 Fat Punchs.
On the tenth day of Christmas my brother gave to me 10 Swimming Pools.
On the eleven day of Christmas my brother gave to me 11 Street Lights.
On the twelve day of Christmas my brother gave to me 12 Spanking and Wedgies.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The best thing about living with boys:

1. There is always someone around to kill spiders (or worse!)
2. They eat anything I make (well 2 of them do)
3. I get to be a soccer mom
4. No one cries when they comb their hair
5. No ruffles anywhere – ever
6. They can do yard work
7. No one borrows my clothes, makeup, shoes, jewelry
8. Testosterone is less volatile than estrogen
9. They fix stuff, (well mostly computers)
10. No one asks for new clothes
11. Field trips
12. No one begs to go to the mall
13. They never outgrow Legos
14. They forgive
15. Can decorate both bedrooms with the same blue paint

Why I write in lists:

  1. I have a compulsive need to organize. If I can break it down into small, manageable pieces, I know I can handle it. Whether it is a grocery list, errands to be run or people to call I feel better if I make a list.

  2. I think, therefore I write, in sound bites. It started in my college press writing class. Then began to take hold when I had PR jobs and had to write press releases and event fliers. Then I wrote the church bulletin for a while. Now I write elementary school newsletters. No one who reads my writing has an attention span over 2 minutes. It's quick. And it seems to be irreversible.

  3. My world is full of wonderful things I want to remember. But my mind is so full of things to do, I can't store them all in there. I need something more permanent.

  4. The world is spinning faster and faster. I can feel it. The chubby baby I had just 5 minutes ago is taller than me and making the honor roll in high school. The sweet blond baby that came next is tall and skinny and almost too big for my lap.

  5. Mrs. Crowther, my 8th grade English teacher encouraged me to write. When I was a painfully shy teenager she took the time to say nice things about me. And I believed every one of them.