Tuesday, December 25, 2007

A Christmas Surprise!

Click twice on the play button to watch Danny's reaction.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Track Santa in Real Time!

The newest Hot Link is for NORAD's (North American Aerospace Defense Command) official Santa tracking web site. They use state of the art satellite GPS and radar systems to follow Santa's movements around the globe starting on Christmas eve day. Top-secret defense survelliance captures video of the big guy at strategic locations. We'll be watching his progress at our house! Enjoy!

Before you go, be sure to weigh in on our Christmas movie poll on the right! Your vote counts!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

O Christmas Tree (or, "This Would Have Been Easier at Home Depot")

I grew up in the country. We didn't have a farm, but we passed cows everyday.

When I became a young adult in Pennsylvania my friends and I celebrated the great outdoors at Christmas by hiking out through a tree farm to cut down the perfect evergreen. We would bundle up because the weather was always frigid. Whoever had to lay down in the snow or frozen mud with the saw ended up with frozen fingers. Ahh, but it was worth it. We had the perfect, fresh Christmas tree. Nothing beats the smell, the tradition and the experience.

It has been 15 years since we lived in Pennsylvania. We've always had a real tree, but it came from a tree lot.

This year Brad found an ad for a tree farm in Pungo. That's the redneck, I mean rural part of Virginia Beach. Having a rare Saturday with no obligations, we decided to make a family memory. So we drove thirty minutes to Pungo to give our children the priviledge of finding our own fresh tree.

Well, it wasn't exactly like the tree farms of our youth. The weather was quite warm, probably 65 degrees. The farm was really, really small. It was so small that one of the two types of trees they raised was actually sold out. So that left us with a small field of white pine. White pines are not my idea of a Christmas tree. They have long needles and are very sticky. But we were determined to have a great time anyway so we tromped through the acre or two of fluffy white pines to find the perfect size and shape tree.

The boys were not impressed. Daniel's take on the whole situation was "This would have been easier at Home Depot." (I thought that was hysterical!) So much for an idyllic family memory. Most of our occassions are marked by Daniel's unique perspective and we'll treasure those memories just as much.

So we settled on a nice 7 foot tree and I have to admit it is the prettiest Christmas tree I've ever had. White pines aren't bad after all. But next year we'll probably be back at Home Depot.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Things I am Grateful for this Christmas (in no particular order)

  1. The decorating is done, all but the tree. The tree comes later because it will be real
  2. Shopping! Even on a budget, there is a thrill in the hunt.
  3. The beautiful weather in Virginia. It may be 45 degrees today, but it will be 70 again next week!
  4. I can walk and I’m NOT pregnant! Last year I was down – literally, with a bad back. I had to sleep on the floor and take a lot of meds. And the year I was pregnant with Dan I was on the couch with an I.V. pole. I definitely missed out on a lot, so I really appreciate being healthy for Christmas.
  5. Brad. I can’t be too specific as this is a family-friendly blog. ;) Counting the years we were dating this is our 19th Christmas together. I could not be more grateful.
  6. Geoffrey. What a light show! Check out the link, week two is posted now.
  7. Daniel. He can hear the bell from Santa’s sleigh and he believes. No one lives the excitement, anticipation and joy of Christmas more deeply than children.
  8. Girls’ Night Out – you ladies are TOO funny!
  9. Target. And chocolate covered pretzels.
  10. Running the bookstore is so much fun at Christmas! I swear people will buy anything!
  11. Old friends and new ones. I love writing out Christmas cards and sending them out all over the country! Friends are treasures collected throughout my whole life. To you dear friends in PA, NY, FL, CA, VA and TX, Merry Christmas!
  12. Our families. No one ever made better grandparents than Pete & Sue and Bob & Bev. They truly spoil the boys. Everyone needs a little spoiling.
  13. Jesus. As a Christian, I look for something new each year, something about God and Christmas that I never realized. This year I’ve been struck by God’s humility. Jesus was there at the creation of the earth. He made everything that there is. He designed the atom and the cell. All of mankind can barely grasp the intricacy and the profound genius of the construction of life. But when it was time, He came down here to save us. Then He had nothing. Not even clothes. How can that be? How can He love us that much?